Parent Portal
The ParentPortal will allow you to see your child's attendance and grades in real time. You may receive the information on a computer or on your cell phone by using the free app.
If you would like to apply for a ParentPortal account, please following the steps below.
1) Read the Acceptable Use Policy for Parent Portal (English Spanish)
2) Fill out the application for creating a ParentPortal Account (English Spanish)
3) Return the application to the school and show a photo ID to a staff member (please make sure that the staff member initials that she saw your photo ID).
4) Follow the link from the email received from to create your account
If you have any issues with your account, please call (510) 723-3180 x62427
Parent Portal Application ISSUES
If you applied for Parent Portal and have not received any further information, please check your email spam and junk folders for a message from Emails are usually sent on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The links do expire so you must use the most recent link.
If you haven't received any emails, you probably did not show a photo ID to a staff member, Please call (510) 723-3180 x62427 for further assistance.
Parent Portal Username
If you forgot your username to your parent portal account, follow the directions here
Parent Portal Password
If you cannot remember the password to your parent portal account, follow the directions here.