To clear your child's absence, please call the appropriate attendance clerk within 72 hours of your child's return to school.
Student Alphabet A-F
Jennifer Garcia (510)723-3180 ext. 62112 or
Student Alphabet G-N
Ann Winter (510)723-3180 ext. 62113 or
Student Alphabet O-Z
Xyla Juvera (510)723-3180 ext. 62111 or
Community Liaison
Hablo Español
Maria Duenas (510) 963-1898 or
Social Services Attendance Verification Letters
If you need an attendance verification letter, please allow one full business day for our attendance clerks to complete it. You may send the request via email, you may call it in, or you may come in and request it in person.
Social services requests will be mailed back as indicated on the form.
Hayward Daytime Curfew
The City of Hayward has a daytime curfew for all students. Hayward Police and Hayward Unified schools enforce this curfew. Please be aware that students will be cited for truancy. Citations come with fines. The first fine is $100; the second is $250; the third and all following are $500.
Attendance Codes
Trying to read those atendance reports? This will help: Attendance Codes en Español