Programs Available at MEHS
Advanced Placement Classes/Exams:Offered annually to enable high school students to demonstrate college-level achievement. The exams are designed for use by colleges in granting credit, advanced placement, or both, for a course in a particular subject. Advanced Placement is open to all students who think it will serve their educational needs. Contact: various A.P. teachers/counselors
AVID-Achievement Through Individual Determination: A program designed to help students learn necessary study skills to prepare for college/university; Contact: John Zentner, Counselor
CaliforniaScholarship Federation:An honors society for students who meet certain academic requirements. Contact: Ms. Chris Brown, Advisor
CareerCenter:Located in the school library, the Center offers higher education and career information. Internet access is available for career interest surveys such as Contact: Ms. Johanah Hernandez, Career Tech
Conflict Mediation: Student Mediators, trained in conflict resolution, assist other students in peacefully and confidentially resolving social problems
Contact: Lynn Allan, Teacher; Melanie Morsy, Counselor or any Assistant Principal
Parent Engagement Teams: We have the following parent groups: PTSA, ELAC, AASAI, BASU, and monthly parent meetings with administration. The purpose of these bodies is to support students and staff, and to provide a means for parents to learn more about the high school and stay in touch with school experiences. We encourage and financially support communications, special school or teacher needs, and student scholarships for seniors. Contact the Principal’s Secretary for information on monthly meetings.
Puente: A college-bound program for high school students with emphasis in Latin American literature. Contact: Veronica Morelos, Puente Counselor
Student Success Team:A program to discuss, evaluate and develop plans to improve student success. Individual referrals are made by teacher, parent, counselor or administrator. Contact: Counselor or A.P. assigned to student
Summer School: Available for all students who need to make up failed classes or improve previous grades. Preparation classes for passing the CAHSEE are offered. Applications are available to students and parents in the Counseling Office (B8) at the start of May.
ELAC:English Language Learners Advisory Committee: A group of parents who support the needs of our ELL student population. Contact: Irlanda Santiago, ELD Specialist
EAOP (U.C. Berkeley’s Early Academic Outreach Program):EAOP is designed to help students increase their educational opportunities while improving their academic preparation for high school and university level work. More information is available through the Mt. Eden counseling office and EAOP contact: Vanessa Harvey, UC Berkeley
Summer Search: A program funded by a non-for-profit that recruits low income sophomores who show leadership potential. 10th graders who are selected receive mentors, community service and free overseas travel opportunities and, during their senior year, application help and financial assistance for college. Contact: John Zentner, Counselor
Reality Mentoring: a program funded by a non-for-profit organization that offers African American students opportunities for mentoring, job shadowing and a variety of success workshops throughout a student’s four years of high school. Students are recruited while they are in 9th grade through the counseling office. Contact: Melanie Morsy, Counselor
YEP-Youth Enrichment Program: After school program designed to improve academic achievement; provides tutoring and other special activities for students; see counselor for application
ETS-Educational Talent Search: A program providing mentors & academic support for low income students who will be the first generation to go to college.
Crisis Counseling:
Mt Eden counselors are available for initial assessment of a student in crisis upon referral by teacher, parent, or a student him/herself. The counselor may then refer students and families to outside agencies for more long-term assistance and/or counseling services.
*Youth and Family Services: 293-7048 (part of the Hayward Police Dept.)
*Eden Youth and Family Center: 785-6690
*Crisis Support Services of Alameda County: 1-800-309-2131
*La Familia Counseling Services: 881-5921
Concurrent Enrollment:
Chabot Community College
High School students may take classes for free at Chabot or at another local community college concurrently with their classes at Mt. Eden High school or during their summer breaks. Students may choose to do this in order to make up high school credits or to get ahead in specific subject areas. The Concurrent Enrollment procedures can be found on the Chabot website ( Here one will find the on-line application and a recommendation form which will need to be printed out and signed by the student’s counselor and a school administrator. There is also a parental consent form which must be turned in to the community college. Assessment tests are required to take Math or English courses at Chabot. Contact the Office of Registration at Chabot or your student’s counselor if you need help enrolling your student at the community college.
Seniors who are unit deficient may enroll in evening classes at the Adult School which is located on the Sunset campus off of “A” Street in Hayward. Here students can make up classes they need for graduation. However, these classes do not count for college admissions. Priority is given to adults, therefore, class availability is not guaranteed. Contact the student’s counselor for the application and information on the Adult School sessions. Students may start taking these classes during the summer before their senior year in high school.
ROP (Regional Occupational Programs)
Juniors and Seniors who are not unit deficient may choose to take classes through a variety of programs at the Eden Area Regional Occupational Center. Programs include:
Auto Collision, Auto Painting, Culinary Skills, Careers in Education, Drafting, Computer Maintenance and Repair, Floral Design, Carpentry, Medical Assisting, Cosmetology, Forensic Science, Welding, Merchandising, Students enrolled in ROP programs take two classes on the MEHS campus and two classes at the ROC campus daily. The ROC is located on Hesperian across from Chabot Community College.
Annual Events
*Back to School Night
counselors are available in B6 to distribute student schedules and information about high school programs
*Senior Parent Night-
information is given out to assist students/parents in post-secondary planning
*College Fair
students can gather information & speak to reps from various colleges & universities (held during the school day)
*College Application Assistance
counselors help students in applying to colleges/universities of their choice (on-going throughout the fall terms)
practice test for the SAT (which is required for university admission) is given annually on a Saturday in October to 10th and 11th graders
*Junior parent Night
information is given out on planning for senior year, getting ready for college or other post-secondary educational/career opportunities
*Financial Aid Night
presentations are made on ways to finance college and on how to fill out FAFSA and Cal Grant forms
students work with counselors to choose next year’s classes
*8th Grade Parent Night
parents and students are given information on transition to high school, graduation requirements and planning for life after high school
9th/10th Grade Parent Night
focus is on students’ academic success, post secondary options and resources for parents
*Chabot Early Decision
seniors who complete this process can register early for Chabot classes
*Senior Awards Night
seniors are recognized for various achievements & for their receipt of scholarships