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ELAC English Learner Advisory Committee

Mt. Eden’s E.L.A.C. Meeting

English Learner Advisory Committee


ELAC provides parents of ELLs a forum to learn about the issues, programs, and services unique to English learners.

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Esta Usted interesado/a en aprender Inglés?


Is English your second language? Are you interested in learning English? If the answer is “Yes” you are in luck, Mt. Eden is looking at offering  ESL classes for parents. Please let us know what schedule works best for you, a morning class time or evening class time. Please contact Ms. Duenas at 510-723-3180 ext.62300 or email

Thank you, hope to hear from you soon

Es Inglés su Segundo Language? Esta Usted interesado/a en aprender Inglés? Si contesto “Si” usted está de suerte, La preparatoria Mt. Eden quiere ofrecer una clase de inglés a los padres. Comuniquese con la Sra. Duenas 510-723-3180 ext.62300  ó por correo electrónico, 

gracias espero su contestacion.

ELAC Links

Link to DELAC

ELAC Committee Members

Marisol Juarez, Chairperson


Dolores Marquez, Vice Chairperson


Martha Cuevas, Secretary


Maria Balthazar, DELAC Representative

(Representante al DELAC)

Elena Rodriguez Mendoza, DELAC Representative Alternate

(Representante Alterno al DELAC)

Cheyla Flores, MEHS Representative


Carlos Almeralla, Student Representative

(Representante de los Estudiantes)

ELAC Coordinator

Irlanda Santiago

(510) 723-3180 ext. 62266


Dates of ELAC Meetings/ Fechas de las Reuniones del Comite ELAC y Anuncios

January 24, 2023 at 10AM in D-7


1/24/24 ELAC Meeting Flyer
